Positron Pre-Order Period Extended… Slightly!


Hey guys!

I just wanted to let you know that the pre-order period for my Positron Proton Pack  kit has been extended by two weeks… to April 15th! (The estimated ship date for the kits is May 15th.)

The reason I’m extending pre-orders is Macrofab is still a bit backlogged on orders and I’m waiting on them to get some prototypes back to me.

Prototypes of what, you ask?

Well, I didn’t want to make a big announcement, because this isn’t a big upgrade… but everyone who’s pre-ordered will be getting v2.0 of the kit!

Now, now, don’t get too excited. Functionally, v2.0 will be exactly the same as the kit you’ve come to know and love, and everything you’ve seen in the demo videos is still there!

So what’s changed on the v2.0? Well, the first thing is the connectors. I’ve swapped the 6 pin I2C flat flex cable connectors for 4p ones.  I’ve also moved the control circuity for the main strobe to the switch module,  and removed a few components from the switch module that were never used.  And, as a result of these changes, the switch module is now slightly smaller than it was before, which is good because it means even more room in your thrower.

Why did I make these alterations, you ask?  Well, the 6p FFC connectors are still out of stock, and the two extra pins were never really necessary, so I figured now was as good a time as any to switch to narrower and more flexible cables.

I didn’t do this just to swap connectors though. I also needed to move the circuity off of the main strobe so I could make a smaller version of it… because I’m now offering an 80% scale version of the kit!

This 80% Proton Pack kit is exactly the same as the full size one, but will come with a miniature strobe and powercell! If you go back through my blogs you’ll see a build of an 80% scale kit where the Finchers had to chop up the strobe and powercell to make them fit in the smaller pack. I didn’t want folks to have to do this to their kits when they buy these smaller packs for their kids or install my kits in a Spirit Halloween pack, so I’ve decided to make this scaled down version available!

I don’t have the 80% kits up on the purchase page yet as I don’t have the parts in hand to photograph, but if you want one, simply purchase a regular kit and send me an email, and I’ll make sure you get the right version!

Anyway, that’s all for now!  I have word that the strobes for the prototypes are arriving this week, and the rest of of the prototypes won’t be far behind. I’ll post some photos once they come in!


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